Monday 1 June 2009

fish of the day

[photo: Fujianese fishermen prepare lines of hooks at Magong Harbor on Penghu]

China Post: Deckhand on Taiwanese fishing boat bitten by shark

Officials from the Coast Guard Administration's 15th flotilla said they received a radio request for help from the skipper of the Chin Sheng Fa 13 to help Zhang Sanqian, 46, a native from Fujian province who was bleeding profusely because of the shark bites.

...CGA officials quoted other crew members of Chin Sheng Fa 13 as saying that the crew caught the 80-kilogram shark in waters near Green Island during an operation to catch hake.
After Zhang and five other deckhands pulled the shark onto the deck, they had the fish electrocuted. As Zhang tried to pull the seemingly unconscious shark toward the freezer, it suddenly attacked him twice with its razor-sharp teeth, wounding his knee and tearing off large chunks of flesh from the back of his left lower leg.

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